Phonics - Week beginning 20th April
This week our phonics sessions are going to focus on recapping all known sounds (both Phase 2 and Phase 3 - using sound books) and exploring the 'sh','ch' and 'th' digraphs.
Tuesday - 'Ch'
Revise pure 'ch' sound. Geraldine the Giraffe - 'ch'
Can you write a sentence about the picture below:
Can you write a sentence about the picture below:
Thursday - We're going on a sound hunt!
Can you hunt around your house to find things that have the 'sh', 'ch' or 'th' sound in them?
For example, for the 'sh' sound you could look for a shoe!
Below are some examples of how you can display your findings, or you might just want to make a list.
Don't forget you also have access to and you can use YouTube to practice those tricky words!
Monday - 'Sh'
Revise pure 'sh' sound. Geraldine the Giraffe - 'sh'
Can you write a sentence about the picture below:
Can you write a sentence about the picture below:

Tuesday - 'Ch'
Revise pure 'ch' sound. Geraldine the Giraffe - 'ch'
Can you write a sentence about the picture below:
Wednesday - 'Th'
Revise pure 'th' sound. Geraldine the Giraffe - 'th'
Can you write a sentence about the picture below:
Thursday - We're going on a sound hunt!
Can you hunt around your house to find things that have the 'sh', 'ch' or 'th' sound in them?
For example, for the 'sh' sound you could look for a shoe!
- How many things can you collect?
- Can you group them by sound?
- Can you write the names of the things you have found?
Below are some examples of how you can display your findings, or you might just want to make a list.
Don't forget you also have access to and you can use YouTube to practice those tricky words!