
Showing posts from March 22, 2020

Fantastic Friday!

Good Afternoon,  Well, what a fantastic week this has been for our home learning journey. You have all done so amazing and we are so proud of you.  Special thank you to your parents for being so engaged and supporting your learning from home.  *Congratulations to our workers of the week* Bluebells - Harris & Sophia Sunflowers - Ubaid & Sophia Here are some snaps from today.  Keep safe and have a lovely weekend! x 

Note to parents

Morning,  Hope you're well. Just to make you aware, Friday will be used as a planning day for the blog, so responses to emails may be slower.  However, I will try to reply when I can.  Thank you,  Miss Forrester

Junk Modeling - Friday 27th March

Today we would like you to have a go at some junk modelling around the house.  All you have to do is gather some recyclable materials e.g. cereal boxes, cardboard tubes, empty milk cartons etc. and put your imagination to work.  Below are some examples.  P.S. please note that Friday's activities will not have a math/phonics focus, but will allow the children to immerse themselves in a project for the day.  Have fun guys, can't wait to see your creations!

Day Four Snaps!

Some snippets of what we were sent in on Thursday, well done everybody! All the best!

Exploring Number and Shape.

Here are some ideas to help you explore number and shape at home using things that can be found around your house.  P.S. Remember these are only ideas, to support you and are not compulsory. If you do have a go, d on't forget to snap your pictures and email them to Miss Forrester or upload them onto your Tapestry account.  Happy learning!

Thursday 26th March

Morning,  For today's creative task, I would like for you to design a new outfit for Paddington Bear.  You could do this by drawing the outfit, making it out of materials from around your home or dressing up yourself and taking on the role of Paddington.  We can't wait to see your designs! Good luck!

Day Three Snaps!

Here are some snaps from Wednesday's work.  Well done children!  Keep it up!

Wednesday 25th March - Creative task

For today's creative task all you will need is a pencil and your home learning book (or A4 paper).  Today I would like you to choose a window in your house, I want you to look out of your window and draw exactly what you see in front of you. Maybe somebody walking by? Or a dog strolling in the street?  Make your sketch as detailed as possible, and remember to sign the bottom with your signature just like a famous artist would!  P.S. Parents please can we upload just one observation per day - you are able to add as many pictures of different activities and can upload a little description of what you have done that day. This would be a great help. Keep your emails coming with your pictures also, I am really enjoying seeing what our children are up to.  Thank you again for all your continued support. Miss Forrester

Day two snaps!

Wow! I am so blown away by all of the amazing work I am being sent by our fabulous children. Some brilliant photographs been emailed across. It is fantastic to see how creative and clever our little ones are. I am so proud of you all! Here is a sneak peak at some of the fabulous work I've received so far.  Keep it up guys!  Miss Forrester x 

Exploring Monet

Recently, in Reception we have been exploring Claude Monet, a famous French artist. We have been looking at his different paintings and recreating them. Today, I would like you invite you to recreate one of the below paintings, in the style of Claude Monet.  

Tuesday 24th March - The Big Carrot

Morning,  Please log onto  Oxford Owl and create an account. This account will allow you to access hundreds of free e-books with your child. Each Tuesday I will be posting a new book for all of us to explore together.  This weeks book is; The Big Carrot Encourage your child to read this alongside you, if you are having trouble reading it there is also a real aloud option.  Following on from reading the story I would like you and your child to complete a mini-comprehension.  1. Can you remember the order of the characters who helped pull out the big carrot? 2. Instead of making carrot soup, what else could Tom have made for everybody? 3. What tricky words can you spot in the story?