Project Friday - 5th June

PSHCE Project 🍉🍇🍌🍦🍟 Today we are going to be doing a project on healthy and unhealthy foods. What does healthy mean? What would happen to us if we ate just unhealthy food? (bad teeth, overweight, we won't feel good) Get some foods out of your fridge and ask your children to sort them into healthy and unhealthy foods. Ask them why they think that it's healthy or unhealthy? Your child could also have a go at this sheet. Colour in all the healthy foods and cross out all the unhealthy foods. Some foods (like wholemeal bread, cheese and milk) can be healthy to eat in a small amount but they contain high fats so we don't eat too much of it in one go. For lunch today, we want your child to have a go at creating a 'healthy' lunch. This is great for talking about healthy choices but also great for life skills such as cutting, spreading and independence.