Phonics - Week beginning 15th June

Great Bentley Primary School - Phonics

Monday - 'sh' sound

Treasure hunt:
Write these words on pieces of paper and hide them around a room/the house.
When your child finds a word, can they write on the sound buttons and lines and read the word out to you?

You can always add more...

Can you write a sentence about the picture below?

Example of sound button and sound lines. A sound line goes under the digraph and a sound button is a dot that goes under individual letter sounds: 

Tuesday - 'ch' sound

Take a look at the pictures below. What are they? Can you write the words down? Extension: Can you create a silly sentence using 2 or more of these words?

What other digraphs were in your words?

Wednesday - 'th' sound

Today we are going to play Buried Treasure using the 'th' sound. Can you use your blending skills to decode and read the words and sort them into real and nonsense words?

Can you read this sentence?

Pick a sentence to match your child's reading ability:

 - I brushed my teeth.

 - I brushed my teeth in the bath. 

 - I brushed my teeth with my toothbrush in the bath to make my mouth clean. 

Have a go at writing a sentence about the picture below?

Thursday - Tricky Words

Tricky word bingo: 
Write down (or get your child to pick) 6 of these words on a piece of paper. Read out all of the tricky words below. Do they have that word on their piece of paper? Can they cross it out?

You could even play this game with more people. 

Words: no, go, I, the, to, he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, they, her, all, are

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