Maths - Week Beginning 15th June

Maths - Halving 🍕

This week in maths we are going to be looking at halving.


We are going to start our week off with the book 'Give me Half'. This book looks at halving and sharing and brings halving into real life situations.

👉  Give me Half!

Explain to your child that half is when a number or an object is split EQUALLY in 2.

Get a piece of food (apple, orange, sandwich, chocolate bar etc...) and chop it in half to show them.

Chop another piece of food in 2 but don't chop it in equal parts.

Is this piece of fruit in half?
Is it fair if I get this bit and you get the other?

This should show your child that when halving, it is fair. It is EQUAL.

Can they have a go at chopping something in half? (great for knife safety skills too!)


Today we are going to be halving shapes. Can you colour in half of the shape?

If your child has found this easy, then let them have a go at drawing the 'half' line.


Today we are going to be looking at halving numbers. To half a number, we have to share.

Now you can give it a go!

What is half of:



If your child really understand the concept of half then you can complete the activity below. If they are struggling then repeat the previous activities.

Can you half these numbers? 


What happened?

You can half these numbers but it doesn’t give us a whole number.

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