Maths - Week Beginning 8th June

Maths - Doubling 🐞

This week in maths we are going to be looking at doubling. Doubling a number is when you add the number by itself!

👉  Doubles Rap


To get your child used to the idea of 'doubling', it's best to use objects to help them.
Gather 2 objects (teddy's, books, toys etc) and place them on the floor, ask your child to get the same amount of objects that you have and place next to them.

Ask them:
How many do I have now?
So therefore double 2 is _____?

Continue to do this for other numbers.


Doubles to 10
Doubles to 20
Draw the same amount of dots on the other part of the dominos and then count them altogether.
Complete this activity.


Let's get creative. cut out a picture of a butterfly and ask your child to paint a number of spots on one side (make sure this is no more than 10). Fold the butterfly in half... you should now have double that amount of spots.

Can you write the number of the total amount of spots in the middle of the butterfly?
How many doubling butterflies can you make?


Today, we're going to listen to a story about counting and doubling. See if you can join in with the numbers.

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