
Showing posts from 2020

Blog now on Google Classroom

Good Morning, All the work from now on will be on Google Classroom. We look forward to seeing you there! Mrs Warrender and Miss Forrester X

*Sunflowers class meet*

Morning everyone, If you would like to join our class meet today please log into your Google classroom account at 12pm and click on the link I have provided. I will place the link up on Google Classroom at 11am. If you are using a phone or tablet be sure to download the Google meet app beforehand. Hope this makes sense, any issues please email me. See you soon. Mrs Warrender X

*Bluebells class meet*

Morning everyone, If you would like to join our class meet today please log into your Google classroom account at 1pm and click on the link I have provided. If you are using a phone or tablet be sure to download the Google meet app beforehand. Hope this makes sense, any issues please email me. See you soon. Miss Forrester X

Friday Celebration! 19th June

Fantastic work this week everyone. I can see that you've all been trying really hard with your halving, you have been writing lots of wonderful sentences and you have been getting creative with our creative activities. Super work! Also, a big well done to those adults that have managed to get onto Google Classroom this week. We hope you managed to get on easily. We will be placing ALL work on there as of Monday (22nd June).  Our workers of this week are as follows: Bluebells - Ayaan & Harris Sunflowers - Zidan & Yash Another fantastic week of learning done everybody, keep it up! 

Project Friday - 19th June

Project Friday🏠 On Sunday it's Father's Day so we are going to do a project all about our family! Some of us don't have fathers, but we can still celebrate all those other important people in our life too. So today I want you to draw your house and draw all the people that live in your house. Can you write some sentences about the people that live in your house? Why are these people important to you? Card We are also going to be making a Father's day card. I have picked an idea of a rocket with the tagline 'I love you to the moon and back', but there are lots of other wonderful ideas on the internet. This card idea also links back to our shape lessons. Question your child about the shapes needed to make the rocket.

Google Meet

Google Meet Tomorrow and Monday we are going to try a 'Google Meet' through Google Classroom which is very exciting! This is so we can all have a chat together on a safe place and your children can finally see their teacher live.  Miss Forrester (Bluebells) will be doing her Google Meet tomorrow around 1ish. She will email out a link to you all that you will click on at the time of the meeting to join you in.  Mrs Warrender (Sunflowers) will be doing the Google Meet on Monday 22nd at 12. If you would like to do this from your smart phone, then please download the 'meet' app. We can't wait to finally see you all!

Creative task - Wednesday and Thursday

Go to Google Classroom for the Creative task for Wednesday 17th June and Thursday 18th June. See you there! Mrs Warrender and Miss Forrester

Book and Creative Task - Tuesday 16th June

Oxford Owl 👉  Tiger's Fish Ask your child these questions: What was the shop called? What does Nok swim with? How do you think Nok felt when he got trapped in the shell? How did Tiger save Nok? What did Tiger do at the end of the story? Draw a picture of what your pet fish would look like. Make sure to make it colourful!

Google Classroom - PLEASE READ

Google Classroom 💻 We are pleased to announce that we will be moving to Google Classroom as of next week (Monday 22nd June). The content will be the same, you will get weekly maths lessons, phonics lessons, creative tasks and books to read. However, there will be the addition of online lessons that we will be able to bring to you weekly. We can't wait! You should have already received an email inviting you to join your class page (either Sunflowers or Bluebells) on Google Classroom. If you have not received this email or if you are having issues accessing it, then please email us as soon as possible so we can help to resolve this. As we transition across to Google Classroom, we kindly ask that you continue to share your child's achievements with us via your child's Tapestry journal. On there, we can reply to your child's observations and give feedback which can help to move their learning along even further. We will be ...

Creative Task - Monday 15th June

One black dot could be... Give your child one black circle to sick on their piece of paper wherever they want. What could the black dot be? The moon, a balloon, a flower, a window?

Phonics - Week beginning 15th June

Monday - 'sh' sound Treasure hunt: Write these words on pieces of paper and hide them around a room/the house. When your child finds a word, can they write on the sound buttons and lines and read the word out to you? sheep shed fish shelf blush shark shock dish You can always add more... Can you write a sentence about the picture below? Example of sound button and sound lines. A sound line goes under the digraph and a sound button is a dot that goes under individual letter sounds:  Tuesday - 'ch' sound Take a look at the pictures below. What are they? Can you write the words down? Extension: Can you create a silly sentence using 2 or more of these words? What other digraphs were in your words? Wednesday - 'th' sound Today we are going to play Buried Treasure  using the 'th' sound. C an you use your blending skills to decode and read the words and sort th...

Maths - Week Beginning 15th June

Maths - Halving 🍕 This week in maths we are going to be looking at halving. Monday We are going to start our week off with the book 'Give me Half'. This book looks at halving and sharing and brings halving into real life situations. 👉   Give me Half! Explain to your child that half is when a number or an object is split EQUALLY in 2. Get a piece of food (apple, orange, sandwich, chocolate bar etc...) and chop it in half to show them. Chop another piece of food in 2 but don't chop it in equal parts. Is this piece of fruit in half? Is it fair if I get this bit and you get the other? Why? This should show your child that when halving, it is fair. It is EQUAL. Can they have a go at chopping something in half? (great for knife safety skills too!) Tuesday Today we are going to be halving shapes. Can you colour in half of the shape? If your child has found this easy, then let them have a go at drawing the 'half' line. ...

Friday Celebration!

Fantastic work this week everyone. Looks like you have all got right back into the swing of things. You have all put in so much effort this week (you too grown-ups) and your standard of work has really been amazing! Our workers of this week are as follows: Bluebells - Maryam & Raihan  Sunflowers - Aroush & Saahil Another fantastic week of learning done everybody, keep it up!  To parents, you should've received an email today detailing a move from the blog to Google Classrooms. On the email was a personalised login for your child. We will be setting a creative task using the Google Classroom on Monday but phonics and maths will still be here on the blog. Next week will be used as a transition onto the new platform. Using this platform will allow us to deliver online lessons live and we can have video chats with the children and they can speak to each other, which we are really looking forward to.  Here are some snaps...