Maths - Week beginning 18th May

This week in maths our focus is going to be money. 

To start of the week I would like you to listen to the following story: The Great Pet Sale
The Great Pet Sale

Monday - Exploring coins

How many different coins can you think of? Can you make a list of the ones you can remember?

Have a look at the picture below to jog your memory.
Range Of British Pound Coins (UK Currency) Stock Photo, Picture ...

Tuesday - Change

Can you complete the below activity?

Wednesday - Ordering Prices

Can you put the pets from the story in order from least expensive to most expensive?
The Great Pet Sale - Numeracy Activities | Teaching Resources
Thursday - Pet for sale

Can you create your own Pet for Sale poster? The template below can be used or you can design your own. 

Pet for sale poster, differentiated | Teaching Resources 

Here are some other activities that can be used to explore money at home.. 

Money Sorting Activity for Kids

Math and art activity rolled into one for preschoolers: A fun matching game and other coin rubbings ideas.

dice roll counting                                                                                                                                                                                 More

kindergarten math activities

Presidents' Day Bingo-Have fun learning about the presidents and money with this coin bingo activity!

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