Activities for the week

This week is Children's Mental Health week, to celebrate this, each day this week we are going to be doing different activities to boost your mood and try and bring lots of happiness into your home during these difficult times. 

self-care for kids

Monday - Three stars and a wish! 

5 Fun Goal Setting Activities for Children – Big Life Journal

Tuesday - Gratitude Jar

Using an empty jar (or container) we would like you to think of as many things as possible that you are grateful for, write them down on pieces of paper and store them in your jar. 
For example one piece of paper might say 'family' or 'friends'. 

Gratitude Jars - Meri Cherry

Wednesday - I am me!

Draw a picture of yourself, in the middle of your page. Around your picture I would like you to draw all of the things that make you special. E.g. I am special because I am a daughter/little sister etc. 

Mirror clipart wall template, Picture #1661451 mirror clipart wall ...

Thursday - Cup of feelings

Can you create your own cup of feelings?

Mylemarks is your destination for therapeutic worksheets and resources for kids and teens. Our resources cover topics such as anger management, anxiety, bullying, social skills, hygiene, and much more!

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