Number - Week beginning 30th March

Here are this weeks numeracy tasks. 

Monday - Exploring number bonds within 10. 
Using your ten-frame that was included in your home learning pack (or you could draw one on some paper) can you explore what numbers make 10.  
Can you list all of the different number sentences to make ten? (see below example)


*Please note you can work within five if your child is struggling with ten. 

Tuesday - Using the below as a guide, can your child complete the following for numbers 1-10. 

For example: 

Wednesday -  Coin challenge 
Ask your grown up if you can count the coins they have?

How many are 1p coins?  Can you create and write a number sentence?

Thursday -  Whose shoes?
Can you find 4 different sized shoes in your house and put them in order of size?

What else can you find to order by length?

Can you write a sentence to explain what you have noticed?

Happy investigating!

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