Holiday Task - My Family

To mark this moment in history, over the holidays, we would like you to work as a family and create a Memory Box together. To create your memory box you could use an old shoe box or container and decorate it how you like.

We would like your Memory Box to contain (but not be restricted to) the following:
  • A family fact file (template below)
  • Drawings/photographs of your family
  • A recipe for a traditional meal you like to eat together
  • Family Plaque (if possible - see below)

Fact File Template (answer the questions below)

-Who lives in your house?

-Who is the oldest-youngest?

-Do you have any pets?

-Do you speak any languages other than English?

-We like to spend our weekends.......

-Our favourite meal to eat together is......

-The most important rule in our house is...........

-As a family we like to............

-Our plans for when this is all over.........

Family Plaque

  • 500g of plain flour
  • 250g salt

  • 250mls of water (add slightly more if needed)

▶️Mix the flour and salt then add the water, until a firm dough forms.

▶️Roll out onto flat surface into desired shape about 1-1.5cm thick (remember to sprinkle some flour down to prevent sticking) 

▶️Place on a baking tray 

▶️Make hand imprints (as deep/clear as possible) 

▶️Place in the oven on the -lowest heat possible- and leave for 3-4 hours or until completely solid top and bottom. (Alternatively you can leave to air dry for a couple of days in a cool dry place) 

▶️Paint with your choice of paints/colours when completely dry!

▶️Seal with any kind of varnish or PVA glue. 

Here are some examples: 

Remember this box is will be unique to you are your family, please fill it with photographs,  drawings and as many memorable moments as possible. We hope that when all of this blows over we can share them in school together. 

**Please note, we are aware of how short in supply shops are and we appreciate that you may not be able to access the ingredients needed. This is just a suggestion, you could draw around your hands on paper, you could measure each member of the family with paper strips. These tasks are suggestions and we would like for you to get creative and resourceful. 

Good luck & stay safe,
all our love,
Reception Team xx

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